Citizen Lobbyist Training

Are you a Citizen Lobbyist? You can be! Sign up today for this essential Democrats of Napa Valley training! Saturday, February 24, 2018 9am-4pm.  Napa Women’s Club (Space is limited, first come, first served)

This training will help you become an effective influencer on issues with your elected official, the general public, and media. And, you’ll get to actually learn from elected officials themselves and other high profile trainers.  

Do you want to make an impact on your government? And be effective when we campaign for our selected candidates for the mid-term elections? Sign up now!

Questions? Please email or call (707) 812-5631.

We care for the environment, affordable education, health care for all, and equal pay for equal work. We are your neighbors, co-workers, your children’s teachers, members of the LGBTQ community, young Democrats, Napans, Californians, Americans, immigrants. WE ARE DEMOCRATS! Our goals are to advance Democratic values and elect Democratic candidates to local, state, and national offices. We do that by endorsing candidates in various elections, fundraising, campaigning (precinct walking, calling, mailing, etc.), attending the state party conventions, recruiting candidates, and any other way that we can think of.